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Why Snatch Blocks are AWESOME

CATEGORY:  Basic Exploration & Curiosity
DESCRIPTION:  How Pulleys Work


How did early Sailors navigate the Oceans?

CATEGORY:  Basic navigation skills

DESCRIPTION:  Learning about navigation

Building a Toy Boat 

CATEGORY:  Basic woodworking skills

DESCRIPTION:  Learning to build a toy boat - woodworking tools required

Building a Cedar Strip Canoe?

CATEGORY:  Advanced Boat Building Skills

DESCRIPTION:  Learn to build a wood canoe - Advanced tools required

How to Sharpen Hand Saw

CATEGORY:  Tool Skills

DESCRIPTION:  A highly focused demonstration of how to sharpen a handsaw.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES from our friend Dave Rearick at 11th Hour Racing and The Atlantic Cup Kids program for sharing of The Atlantic Cup Kids program. 

Captain Dave's Sailing & Sustainability
CATEGORY:  Learning & Exploration

DESCRIPTION:  When Captain Dave visits a school he teaches Kids about the history of sailing, what it was like for him to sail solo around the world and why it’s so important we protect our planet.

What is a carbon footprint?

CATEGORY:  Learning

DESCRIPTION:  Learn about carbon footprints with We Are Neutral

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